Look At Me Still Talking When There's Science To Do

If I keep thinking of words, I will keep writing them down

Archive for befuddled

airplane the movie vietnam injury can’t

Spoke too soon. Another BASC email today. Barrow is quarantined-


WordPress Statistics let me know where my blog’s traffic comes from, including giving me a list of search terms that lead people here. I don’t often look through them because mostly the searcher is interested in the poignant dangerous quotes I put in my titles. I was surprised by this search term however: “Cheese is a person in your neighboorhood.” I SWEAR that that quote was a dumb joke made up by my clever dumb brother, and he doesn’t even know I have a blog, so… what gives?

Anyway, here, with minimal commentary, are some search terms from the past thirty days.

a title that rhymes with science- Shmience?

pictures of what not to do in science– How embarrassing. Don’t tell Bob.

what are some bad things for biomass?- Laughing during the sorting process so that the ickle plants go flying everywhere.

what kind of flowers do ground squirrel- No, don’t tell me, I have this…. snapdragons?!?

why is teaching important to me– Why, indeed.

free essay on “everything happens for a reason” (x2!)- Shame on you, lazy plagiarizers of the world, shame on you.

i am dangerous quotes- Me too!

things to use as sleighs- Cafeteria trays, large pieces of wood, upside-down tables, a giant boot, double-thick bamboo mats, a light-weight bathtub, armchairs with wings, a polar bear. In case you were wondering. I certainly haven’t addressed this issue in the past.

tundra kindergarten- Sounds good to me!

how do caribou get around- Hot air balloons, mostly.

how to not lose the game– Err, not like that.

little dancing things– I don’t know, seems irrelevant, but if you say so, sure.

in what way is an airplane like a seed- A what is like a what now?

I hope none of these people were too too disappointed. For the record, probably the only one that wasn’t disappointed was the one searcher who typed “twoeyedgirl.wordpress.com”.

ps, one more ………….i’m afraid of teaching Ha, ha.